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Special Event Details

H-E-B Feast of Sharing 2023

Dates: 11/21/2023 - 11/21/2023

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Join United Way for Greater Aus
tin and thousands of volunteers as we provide meals to over 14,000 people in Central Texas at H-E-B's 34th annual Feast of Sharing! 

WHEN AND WHERE: The event will take place at the Palmer Events Center (PEC) located at 900 Barton Springs Road on Tuesday, November 21. Please be sure to arrive on time for your shift.
  • First shift: 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 
  • Second shift: 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. 

PARKING: There is NO parking available at the Palmer Event Center
  • FREE PARKING with shuttle service is available at the 2nd Streeet Austin Convention Center Parking Garage located at 201 E 2nd St.
  • Shuttle service pick up is on the corner of Brazos and 2rd, and is available from 2:30pm - 9:30pm
  • After registered, you will receive a QR code via email a few days before the event for the 2nd Street garage that can be printed beforehand or just scanned from your phone for entrance

WAIVER OF LIABILITY: You are required to read and agree to the Feast of Sharing volunteer waiver on our site. If you are accompanying a minor, you will need to fill out a paper copy onsite at the event to ensure each minor is paired with their accompanying adult. However, if you are volunteering with a minor, you can print the minor waiver out in advance and bring it filled out to speed up your check in process.

PLEASE NOTE: There are no team sign ups for this event, every volunteer regardless of age must sign up individually.
  • Do not bring any personal items with you, there is no storage space available
  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes
  • Just as H-E-B partners will wear their red shirts, volunteers are encouraged to wear their own company/team t-shirts to the event
  • Volunteer check in will close at 7:15pm. Volunteers arriving after this time are welcome to enjoy dinner as guests.

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